
Measure place Position (Rkm) Measure time Nature of weather Air temperature [°C] Air pressure [hPa] Air pressure trend [hPa/3h] Wind speed [m/s] Wind direction [degree] Humidity [%] Sight distance [m]
Almásfüzitő, MOL kikötő 1757.7 2024.04.27 18:22:01
Baja, OKK 1478.5 2024.04.27 18:22:02 Clear 20.2 1004.9 0 33.2 2000
Budapest, Megyeri híd 1659.8 2024.04.27 18:22:01 Clear 20.3 1002 0 32.9 2000
Budapest, Szabadkikötő 1639.8 2024.04.27 18:22:01 19.4 848.3 4.1 2.9 197 69.4
Budapest, Szabadkikötő BSZL 1639.7 2024.04.27 18:22:01 20.2 1003.5 0 3.6 168 36.5
Budapest, Szabadkikötő RSOE 1639.9 2024.04.27 18:22:01 20.6 1003.4 0 2.2 186 36.8
Dunaföldvár 1560.8 2024.04.27 18:22:01 Clear 19.4 1005 0 1 180 35.9 2000
Dunaújváros, DVRK 1580.2 2024.04.27 18:22:01 Clear 2000
Gönyű, ÉDUVIZIG kikötő 1791.6 2024.04.27 18:22:02 Clear 20 1001.6 0 2.5 173 35.3 2000
Komárom, DVRK 1767.8 2024.04.27 18:22:01 Clear 19.8 1001.8 -0.1 1.4 157 33.4 2000
Kölked, BVRK torony 1434.8 2023.11.29 15:15:02 Clear 2000
Mohács, Határkikötő 1448.2 2024.04.27 18:22:01 Clear 20.6 1006.2 -0.1 1.9 151 33.6 2000
Nagymaros, dam 1695.1 2024.04.27 18:22:01 Clear 2000
Paks, DVRK 1531.3 2024.04.27 18:22:01 Clear 19.8 1004.3 -0.1 1.7 173 35.3 2000
Pilismarót 1707.2 2024.04.27 18:22:01 Clear 19.5 1003 0 0.8 176 38.6 2000
Szigetmonostor, rév 1668.5 2024.04.24 00:10:01 Light rain 9.4 993.4 -1.5 0.6 43 81.5 2000
Verőce, DMRV 1686.3 2024.04.27 18:22:01 Clear 2000
Almásfüzitő, MOL kikötő 1757.7 rkm

Nature of weather: -

Air temperature [°C]: -

Air pressure [hPa]: -

Air pressure trend [hPa/3h]: -

Wind speed [m/s]: -

Wind direction [degree]: -

Humidity [%]: -

Sight distance [m]: -

Baja, OKK 1478.5 rkm

Nature of weather: Clear

Air temperature [°C]: 20.2

Air pressure [hPa]: 1004.9

Air pressure trend [hPa/3h]: -

Wind speed [m/s]: -

Wind direction [degree]: -

Humidity [%]: 33.2

Sight distance [m]: 2000

Budapest, Megyeri híd 1659.8 rkm

Nature of weather: Clear

Air temperature [°C]: 20.3

Air pressure [hPa]: 1002

Air pressure trend [hPa/3h]: -

Wind speed [m/s]: -

Wind direction [degree]: -

Humidity [%]: 32.9

Sight distance [m]: 2000

Budapest, Szabadkikötő 1639.8 rkm

Nature of weather: -

Air temperature [°C]: 19.4

Air pressure [hPa]: 848.3

Air pressure trend [hPa/3h]: 4.1

Wind speed [m/s]: 2.9

Wind direction [degree]: 197

Humidity [%]: 69.4

Sight distance [m]: -

Budapest, Szabadkikötő BSZL 1639.7 rkm

Nature of weather: -

Air temperature [°C]: 20.2

Air pressure [hPa]: 1003.5

Air pressure trend [hPa/3h]: -

Wind speed [m/s]: 3.6

Wind direction [degree]: 168

Humidity [%]: 36.5

Sight distance [m]: -

Budapest, Szabadkikötő RSOE 1639.9 rkm

Nature of weather: -

Air temperature [°C]: 20.6

Air pressure [hPa]: 1003.4

Air pressure trend [hPa/3h]: -

Wind speed [m/s]: 2.2

Wind direction [degree]: 186

Humidity [%]: 36.8

Sight distance [m]: -

Dunaföldvár 1560.8 rkm

Nature of weather: Clear

Air temperature [°C]: 19.4

Air pressure [hPa]: 1005

Air pressure trend [hPa/3h]: -

Wind speed [m/s]: 1

Wind direction [degree]: 180

Humidity [%]: 35.9

Sight distance [m]: 2000

Dunaújváros, DVRK 1580.2 rkm

Nature of weather: Clear

Air temperature [°C]: -

Air pressure [hPa]: -

Air pressure trend [hPa/3h]: -

Wind speed [m/s]: -

Wind direction [degree]: -

Humidity [%]: -

Sight distance [m]: 2000

Gönyű, ÉDUVIZIG kikötő 1791.6 rkm

Nature of weather: Clear

Air temperature [°C]: 20

Air pressure [hPa]: 1001.6

Air pressure trend [hPa/3h]: -

Wind speed [m/s]: 2.5

Wind direction [degree]: 173

Humidity [%]: 35.3

Sight distance [m]: 2000

Komárom, DVRK 1767.8 rkm

Nature of weather: Clear

Air temperature [°C]: 19.8

Air pressure [hPa]: 1001.8

Air pressure trend [hPa/3h]: -0.1

Wind speed [m/s]: 1.4

Wind direction [degree]: 157

Humidity [%]: 33.4

Sight distance [m]: 2000

Kölked, BVRK torony 1434.8 rkm

Nature of weather: Clear

Air temperature [°C]: -

Air pressure [hPa]: -

Air pressure trend [hPa/3h]: -

Wind speed [m/s]: -

Wind direction [degree]: -

Humidity [%]: -

Sight distance [m]: 2000

Mohács, Határkikötő 1448.2 rkm

Nature of weather: Clear

Air temperature [°C]: 20.6

Air pressure [hPa]: 1006.2

Air pressure trend [hPa/3h]: -0.1

Wind speed [m/s]: 1.9

Wind direction [degree]: 151

Humidity [%]: 33.6

Sight distance [m]: 2000

Nagymaros, dam 1695.1 rkm

Nature of weather: Clear

Air temperature [°C]: -

Air pressure [hPa]: -

Air pressure trend [hPa/3h]: -

Wind speed [m/s]: -

Wind direction [degree]: -

Humidity [%]: -

Sight distance [m]: 2000

Paks, DVRK 1531.3 rkm

Nature of weather: Clear

Air temperature [°C]: 19.8

Air pressure [hPa]: 1004.3

Air pressure trend [hPa/3h]: -0.1

Wind speed [m/s]: 1.7

Wind direction [degree]: 173

Humidity [%]: 35.3

Sight distance [m]: 2000

Pilismarót 1707.2 rkm

Nature of weather: Clear

Air temperature [°C]: 19.5

Air pressure [hPa]: 1003

Air pressure trend [hPa/3h]: -

Wind speed [m/s]: 0.8

Wind direction [degree]: 176

Humidity [%]: 38.6

Sight distance [m]: 2000

Szigetmonostor, rév 1668.5 rkm

Nature of weather: Light rain

Air temperature [°C]: 9.4

Air pressure [hPa]: 993.4

Air pressure trend [hPa/3h]: -1.5

Wind speed [m/s]: 0.6

Wind direction [degree]: 43

Humidity [%]: 81.5

Sight distance [m]: 2000

Verőce, DMRV 1686.3 rkm

Nature of weather: Clear

Air temperature [°C]: -

Air pressure [hPa]: -

Air pressure trend [hPa/3h]: -

Wind speed [m/s]: -

Wind direction [degree]: -

Humidity [%]: -

Sight distance [m]: 2000